Se dice que la ira de Jehová, no había sido causada por la adoración a otros dioses antiguos, si no al hecho de que Asmodeo había introducido algunos cambios en el Evangelio de Belcebú, que finalmente no vio la luz y que hizo que fuera castigado injustamente. Todo indica que inspirado por este acto despiadado y arbitrario, Jehová introdujo aquella conocida maldición al ser humano y a sus siguientes cuatro generaciones como castigo, como se relata en el capítulo 20 del Éxodo, luego de un novedoso truco en el espacio-tiempo, poder que perdió poco después.
había perpetrado el crimen perfecto...
Caught By Asmodeo
It is said that the wrath of Jehová had not been caused by the adoration of other ancient gods, but the fact that Asmodeus had made some changes in the Gospel of Beelzebub, which finally it never saw the light and caused him to be unjustly punished. Everything indicates that, inspired by this merciless and arbitrary act, Jehová introduced that known curse for humans and their four generations as punishment, as is told in chapter 20 of Exodus, after a new trick in the space-time, a power that he lost shortly afterwards.
Caught By Asmodeo
It is said that the wrath of Jehová had not been caused by the adoration of other ancient gods, but the fact that Asmodeus had made some changes in the Gospel of Beelzebub, which finally it never saw the light and caused him to be unjustly punished. Everything indicates that, inspired by this merciless and arbitrary act, Jehová introduced that known curse for humans and their four generations as punishment, as is told in chapter 20 of Exodus, after a new trick in the space-time, a power that he lost shortly afterwards.
It is also fair to
know that in his frenetic search for Asmodeus, our Lord was trapped in this architectural
labyrinth, and beyond about to have eliminated him in a bloody confrontation
(yes, bloody ...), his power would be seriously decimated. The truth is that,
at present, by many prayers that are made every Sunday, still can not cure
cancer nor Peru can classify a Fifa World Cup, because he is unable to hear
anything. And is a fact that he wanted to change that dogma to do not have
deceived mankind so long. But the recourse of pray was something that was
scattered by all the scriptures, and in his new situation a correction of this dimension
was already impossible. Mankind without gods or demons, had to fix by itself ...
Asmodeus had
committed the perfect crime ...