viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


Superniña empieza a dudar sobre si emprender la nueva misión que se le encomienda. A pesar de sus superpoderes, duda sobre si tenga exito en eliminar el mal. Ni Superman, ni batman, ni el hombre araña, han podido mejorar las cosas. Solo se ocupan de ladrones menores. Aunque se respira cierta tranquilidad en las calles, la injusticia prevalece. Los realmente peligrosos siempre están al mando de todo.

Tal vez sus superpoderes deberían ser usados solo para beneficio propio, como llegar mas rápido al trabajo, o levantar los muebles para barrer debajo, pero no para desbaratar alguna red de terroristas que su gobierno le encomienda, pues ya ha visto quienes son realmente los peligrosos. Los hechos se lo demuestran. Tal vez se da cuenta de que poder volar y tener mucha fuerza física no significa necesariamente tener mucho poder.

Se da cuenta que finalmente su imagen de ser invencible es mas bien un producto de la publicidad y siente que no es realmente tan poderosa ni tan importante como la muestran. Y aunque quisiera, sus poderes no le alcanzan para combatir el verdadero mal.

Por primera vez se siente poco útil y vulnerable.

Supergirl starts doubting about to start the new mission that is entrusts her. In spite of her superpowers, she doubt about a success for eliminate the evil. Neither Superman, nor batman, nor Spiderman were able to improve the things. they only deal with minor thieves. Though certain tranquility is breathed in the streets, the injustice prevails. The really dangerous ones always are in charge of everything.

Maybe her superpowers should be used only for own benefit, as go rapidly at work, or lift the furniture in order to sweep below, but not use it to defeat some terrorists net that her government entrusts her, since already she has seen those who are really the dangerous ones. The events it demonstrate her. Maybe she realizes that to be able to fly and have many physical force not means to have necessarily a big power. She realizes that finally her image of invincible being is more exactly a publicity product, and she feels that she is not really so powerful nor so important as she is showed. And although she would like it, her power do not reach her to fight against the real evil. Is the first time that she feels few useful and vulnerable.

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