miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009


Anja recientemente tuvo la acertada idea de cortarse el pelo. El problema se suscitó cuando quiso pagar con tarjeta de crédito el servicio, pues su cuenta estaba sobregirada, y ese dia no cargaba con efectivo. Lo que la puso en un aprieto. No poder pagarle al estilista no es como no pagarle al que te vende un kilo de nabos. Simplemente no te llevas los nabos. Hasta con el dentista puede hacerse un arreglo, un poco doloroso claro.
Anja accede hacerse acompañar por el estilista hasta su casa, pues no la conoce y teme que no regrese nunca mas a cancelarle, que era casualmente la idea de ella.
Bueno, precisamente no la conoce, y ese será su gran error, pues al llegar a su casa, lo lleva al sótano donde supuestamente guarda dinero… También guarda una pistola.


Anja recently had the good idea to cut her hair. But there was a problem that happened when she tried to pay this service with credit car , because her account was overdrawn, and that day she did not carry cash mone.Don’t to be able to pay to the stylist is not the same thing when you cannot pay to someone who sells you one kilo of turnips. Simply you don’t carry the turnips . Even with the dentist you can do an agreement, a bit painful of course.

Anja accept to be accompanied by the stylist to her house, because he does not meet her and is afraid that she does not come back to cancel him never, what it was her idea.

Well, precisely he does not know her, and this will be his big mistake, because when they arrive to her house, she carry him to the basement where supposedly she hide the money … Also she hides a gun.

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